A review by serendipitysbooks
Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey


This story primarily focuses on the relationship between Jen and her fifteen year old daughter in the aftermath of Lana's unexplained four day disappearance in the British countryside. This relationship has been strained for a time, exacerbated by Lana's depression and self-harm and Jen's subsequent worries. Jen is desperate to know exactly what happened to Lana, but she can't or won't tell. Meanwhile Jen fears the worst, struggles to know what to do and falls into the understandable trap of constantly questioning and supervising Lana, who naturally withdraws more. While I sympathised with the plight of these two I didnt especially like either of them, relating more to laidback Hugh. I also struggled with the end of the novel as Jen decided to explore a cave system by herself and without telling anyone where she was. Of course it ended well and she found the answers she was looking for about Lana but it just seemed such a stupid decision to make.