A review by pn_hinton
The Secret Loves of Geek Girls by Hope Nicholson, Marjorie Liu, Margaret Atwood


Anthologies are really difficult to write reviews on, at least for me. Since there is usually a mixture of different authors and stories, you are usually left with an even feeling on whether or not you enjoyed it. That being said, I loved this collection.

As a geek girl myself of many varities a lot of these essays spoke to me especially when it came to feeling like the odd duck in high school with dating. Also, when I was growing up reading wasn't in style and I was an oddity since I always had a book. This collection is for girls, and those who identify as girls, who felt this way and it served to show that we are not alone. It wasn't until the Internet got big and the various cons that women felt they could embrace geekdom since it too, like almost everything else started out as a boy's club. The essays "Both Sides of the Table and Between the Sheets" really serves to show that.

What I also enjoyed this colletion is that it switche between written essays and comics. This helped to speak to the many platitudes that is geekdom especially as it relates to girls. It also speaks to coming to figuring out all facets of ones identity and coming to terms with it. I walked away from this collection feeling a bit more at peace with myself and the various ways I identify.

I enjoyed all the stories and comics in here but of course there were a few I liked a little bit more than others. One is the aforementioend essay. I also enjoyed "Yes, No, Maybe", "Four Fictional Happy Endings", "With regards to the Goblin King", "Never Kiss a Writer", and "Better than Fiction". Mind you everything in here is good; these just stuck out more to me.

So I heartily recommend this collection of essays if you are, were, or plan on becoming a geek girl since it is always nice to read about people like yourself.