A review by joyousreads132
Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting


Back when I was a full-pledged fanfiction addict, hhunting was one of those authors whose story updates became a weekly injection of my chosen drug. When I re-discovered my love for books, and have started blogging, I’ve thought about fanfic writers who truly could go toe-to-toe with the best of them. Helena Hunting is one of those writers.

Tenley and Hayden relive their own personal hell every day; the root of all is the debilitating guilt that they each had a hand over the loss of their loved ones. In an act of serendipity, these two will find a way to find absolution in each other. But the road to get there is not going to be easy, as their journey will be reaped with people from their past and present who refused to give them a fighting chance.

Having read the original work, I can see how Helena worked hard to give her characters new identities; identities that would separate them from the characters they were originally cloned. Indeed, if you read this book without any preconceived notions of who they were, it would be easy to fall into their respective stories without bias.

Gone also is the gratuitous foul language from Hayden. The author left enough just to make him own the character of a tattoo artist with his background. Tenley, however, was kept relatively close from her original character.

The story had gone through considerable overhaul. Because this was a favorite, and even though I’ve read it forever ago, I still remember all the things that happened in the original work. I’m glad she “cleaned” it up some; meaning, she eased up on the sex. This is just the first of two books, however. I don’t know what’s in store in the second. I think the bulk of the angst is yet to come.

I don’t care what anyone says about fanfic writers looking to make some money off the Twilight fandom. I say if you can back it up with talent, go for it. I know I’ll be looking forward to reading more from this author.