A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
Concentr8 by William Sutcliffe


"If you opened all the doors on all the cages at London Zoo you’d get the exact something – playtime for the animals and everyone else shitting bricks. It’d be the zookeepers that’d get eaten first- ain’t that the truth."

I found the read slightly emotional- the thoughts of each child of why they do what they do, how much they really do or don't understand and at times how much, leaving aside the main event of the book, is not actually their fault. How they have been let down by the system that is greedy for money, fame and power.

Each paragraph is narrated through the eyes of the characters… we have the youngsters where the writing style is exactly the way they would speak (so, bad grammar!It's quite genius, really!) and we have the mayor, the journalist, the odd paragraph through the eyes of the negotiator. At the end of each paragraph is a factual piece about ADD medicines. Quite frankly, a scary eye-opening read. It’s as if the whole book is created to get the factual pieces across in a hands-on manner. As if explaining maths by using apples or something :)

Aside from the children, the characters of the journalist, the mayor and the negotiator have been perfectly brought across and with each paragraph my reading voice changed the tune and the voice accordingly.

Quite interesting… I would recommend at least to try and read this book. It will give some food for thought… Let us all interpret the message to our best abilities…

Book via: Netgalley