A review by libraryelf
The Explosionist by Jenny Davidson


Sophie lives with her aunt on the weekends and has a normal life in a boarding school during the week. The catch: this story is told in a parallel universe to our own. Sophie grows up in 1930s Scotland where technology and politics have advanced much more swiftly and differently. Sophie's life is relatively uneventful with life being sort of normal and blah. One weekend though, Sophie's Great Aunt invites her to a seancé where her life changes. She is possibly contacted by a real spirit and strange events begin to occur. With her best friend, a boy, they set out to solve a mystery in this alternate history story.

Some of the twists and turns are predictable, but for me, when they happened, I enjoyed it. The book took a little getting into but at one point, I realized I was swept away into Sophie's universe and wanted to see how this all came together.

The ending of this book screams sequel as there are too many loose ends not tied up. Hopefully, there will be one.