A review by bookishbookseller
Coram Boy by Jamila Gavin


Wow. A lot better than I expected!
Such an emotional, gripping and heart wrenching story. A real page turner with some very complex and fascinating characters. There were some twists and turns that were so great near the end, it made the book even better. It's something I've not read before and I'm pleasantly surprised! Can't say I've read anything set in the 1700's, but considering it was written in like 2000, it made it easier to understand. None of that weird Ye Olde writing that I can't work out.
Such a great and quick read! Although it states that I started reading this ages a go, I read most of it in one sitting. I shall look forward to studying this book for university next month.

Also, I'm not sure if this is truly suitable for children. Maybe like 11 onwards, it was rather dark. It has a lot of mentions of dead babies, children and child abuse which would cause a lot of distress, but it's not entirely detailed. Its just not very nice :(