A review by lenoreo
Hiding Lies by Julie Cross



I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

4.5 stars — Oh dude!! This book took me through the ringer. I swear, my poor hubby. I was about to start reading again, and gave a huge anxiety induced sigh and my hubby made the mistake of asking me what’s wrong…and after I finished explaining how I wasn’t sure of this person’s motive, and I’m worried about this and that, he just blankly looked at me. I stumped him!!! HA! *snort* The joys of being married to a book nerd.

ANYWAYS. This was a solid follow-up to the first book. Even though it picks up super quickly after book 1 (which I wasn’t expecting, I was thinking it would be a few months later or something), I still feel like this was a solid sophomore book if that makes sense. It’s like, we’d already gotten to know our major players, and had connected with them, so it was easier to get sucked down the rabbit hole with them.

Ellie was delightful as always. That girl does sarcasm like no other. I feel like she went through even more tough emotions in this book than the other. Maybe because Miles had broken through her wall? I’m not sure. But there were quite a few emotional tolls being placed on her head, and it was hard to watch her go through that. Honestly, I thought the way Ms. Cross showcased how many directions Ellie was being torn into was done perfectly — I totally got the whys of it all, but it’s like, jesus, what else?? I just wanted someone to hug that girl.

I had a MUCH harder time deciding whose motives I could trust and not trust in this one. I don’t want to give anything away, but I will say I doubted some good guys, and didn’t appropriately suspect some bad guys.

I was totally surprised by Dominic’s bigger role in this book…in a good way. He brought a lot of interesting elements to the table.

I loved that we got a satisfying conclusion at the end of this one. Does it stop me from wanting another book? Heck no! But I won’t be rolling around on the floor dying if there isn’t one (which I’m suspecting there won’t be). Ellie is a great character, and there are a lot of amazing side characters in this world that it’s easy to want more and more and more… Either way, I’m so glad I finally got to this book to find out what was next for our plucky heroine.