A review by labunnywtf
Brave Chef Brianna by Sam Sykes


Read for Book Roast's Magical Readathon: NEWTs Exams. Subject: Brave Chef Brianna, A Level. (Book that ends on an even page)

Dear god, this was so freaking adorable.

Brianna's dad is an uber famous chef who seems to be dying. He's got an enormous legacy to leave to his 15 sons and one daughter, so he instructs them to take their not insubstantial funds and open restaurants all around the world. Whoever succeeds will take over the family business.

Brianna takes her talent to Monster City, where flour and sugar are illegal and meat is never to be cooked. After winning over the residents to her cooking, she fights her own self doubt and anxiety and works hard to make a winning restaurant that will make her father proud.

I loved almost everything about this story. The art style is fun and beautiful, the characters are fun and multi dimensional. The food sounds freaking delicious.

My one complaint is with our 'villain', a rival chef who hates humans and wants to take Brianna down at all costs. She isn't just another chef who is jealous of the attention. She's been around since Monster City's conception, when they formed their town to be away from humans who treated them like dirt because they were different.

We didn't really address those issues? I would've liked some form of resolution there, with Brianna and Madame coming to some sort of grudging respect. It was mostly brushed over, and that seems very unfair.

Other than that, though, this is a sweet and solid story.

36 books in 31 days: Book 16