A review by bookhound
Stress-Proof: The Scientific Solution to Protect Your Brain and Body--And Be More Resilient Every Day by Mithu Storoni


This book was awesome and very relevant for me as someone who tends to favor the “emotional brain” and can think negatively more than I’d like. There’s some really eye-opening information (and some I know but learned a lot more about). The current research on areas related to how the brain and body handle stress along with practical advice for improvement made this fascinating and accessible. I liked the formatting of the book as well. This is probably the best book I’ve read on mind-body connection.

Main subjects: the brain, emotional regulation, cortisol, fostering growth in the rational brain, tuning your body clock, extinguishing inflammation, modulating insulin resistance, motivation, aligning beliefs and goals, and resilience.

*thanks to Goodreads for the giveaway!