A review by abigailbat
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz


A collection of monologues written for her students at the Park School in Baltimore, this volume gives us a glimpse into life in a medieval village. Schlitz has written monologues for children in the village including the lord's daughter, the miller's son, the beggar, the Jew... Footnotes help explain some of the language and medieval references and every so often she inserts some background information (about, for example, the status of Jews in medieval society or the Crusades).

I read each of the monologues out loud (which is what they were written for, after all) and found them delightful. I could picture school kids dressing up in costumes and performing this collection for an audience of rapt parents. This isn't a book to be rushed through, but one to be savored and listened to.