A review by booklandish
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf


This was truly excellent! I am once again impressed by the modernity of Woolf's voice. Not only in the themes but also in the narrative choices! So far I have read Orlando and A Room of One's Own, and while they are vastly different books, Woolf's ideas and preoccupations definitely come through in her works.

Bullet review:
- Excellent style
- Reflective and melancholy
- Unusual narration
- Shifting POV
- Interweaved plots
- In the span of 1 day
- Clever and critical

The post-war historical and political context is crucial to understanding this novel. And I was also particularly interested in the state of the medical field, especially psychiatry, as mental illness(es) are a focus of the novel. Another classic that is well worth the read and makes me wish I had had literature classes in college!
TW: mental illness, suicide...