A review by tashanixon_
No and Me by Delphine de Vigan


Okay, so it's a bit slow.
Once i reached around 2/3 of the way through I was hooked and finished the rest within a week. And had to add this to my "brb-crying" shelf. The ending was fairly abrupt and slightly rushed, but I feel like that doesn't give you time to process your emotions, hence, like me, it got me in my feelings a bit.

If I was to have criticisms, I believe that the wording at times was very word-y (which could likely be due to the translation), and felt very much like trying to read back from the mind of a 13 yr old girl who is too mature for her own good, so if that was a wanted effect, then it succeeded. And, as i mentioned before, the beginning was a bit of a drag, so I found it quite difficult to actually get into a habit with reading it. And contradictory to that, the ending was very sudden, and left me with a few unanswered questions, which again could put us in Lou's shoes, what with her also having unanswered questions for once in her life. For once, none of Lou's experiments could explain this conclusion.

Overall: 3/5 Stars
Characters: 4/5
Setting: 3/5
Writing: 3/5
Plot and Themes: 4/5