A review by doyoudogear
Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Captain Phasma by Kelly Thompson, Marco Checchetto, Clayton Cowles, Andres Mossa


I knew nothing about Star going into this one, but I can already tell she'll be a character that I like! Ripley isn't your standard superhero, and I was getting some pretty strong villain vibes. She's quick to anger, and then tries to inflict as much damage as possible (without considering the innocent people she'd hurt). I'm not sure how she ties into Captain Marvel, but we get a brief history of their interactions and how they've impacted what's happening now. I definitely want to know more about Ripley's past and where she came from, but I'm content with what was shared.

Thompson is an incredible writer, and one of my all-time favorites, so of course I'm reading Star. I thought the first issue was fantastic, and we see two of my favorites: Jessica Jones and Loki. I'm not sure what Loki was trying to do, or how he knew what he did, but I hope he sticks around. Stories are always more interesting when he's involved! (★★★★☆)

At the start of this issue, Ripley hadn't left her apartment for weeks, so it's already relatable! ;)

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