A review by regendanser
The Unremembered by Peter Orullian

Did not finish book.
I really dread me being unable to finish this book, because I really liked the story that mister Orullian tried to tell. It is kind of a traditional story, reminding me of the Hobbit, or the Eragon cycle. Those stories really worked for me. Add to it a new world, new characters and some mysterious enemies and powers to discover, and you have me interested.

Problem is, something in his writing just doesn't appeal to me. Even though he has his characters hunted all over the land, and gets them hurt even to the point you just think they might die, it just didn't pull me in. I've been thinking for a while now why that might be.

And finally, I figured it out: lack of explanation. Let me explain: the story is about a boy named Tahn that gets more or less spirited away from his little farmer's town by some mage-like person. Now, I get it: there's a bunch of monsters that are just waiting to pounce the poor boy, so you don't have time for an explanation. But then, when you've reached a relatively safe zone on top of this huge plateau with all kinds of men protecting you, then why not tell him then? Or all those other times when you made camp for the night and everything seemed relatively safe?

But it's not only there that we lack an explanation. Almost every event just happens, without there being any reason for it. And a lot of them have to do with the mage-dude not telling Tahn why he is so special that all the monsters in the world want to kill him. It is really confusing, and after reading about halfway through the book and still not getting an explanation... Well, that just makes me irritated and then I can't continue reading. Easy as that.

So, yeah, I think it could have been a great story, if only the storytelling itself would have been a little better.