A review by historysoverture
Celestine: The Living Saint by Andy Clark


This book was absolutely fantastic. I'm not super familiar with the 40k universe (or Warhammer at all to be honest), but when my boyfriend, who is a Games Workshop employee, told me about Celestine I was very interested. She is so strong, but I love that Celestine isn't without faults. It would be so easy to write a saintly character that is perfect and never fails. But she's so human in her devotion to her cause. In addition to Celestine, I absolutely fell in love with the characters Andy Clark created to flesh out the story. I really felt for all of their stories and hardships. It's almost like I've known them for a long time. The fact that this author was able to create such a beautiful story and real characters in just 240 pages is incredible.

Oh, and the audiobook was absolutely fantastic! I jumped back and forth between the audiobook and a hardcover copy, but the audiobook added such a cool extra factor. The narrator had a very distinct voice for each character and it was awesome! I'm so happy with this book.