A review by alyssaindira
The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli



“Once there was a girl who was drawn to ancient wicked things. Things like forbidden, ancient stories.”

Hey guys, so I finally got around to reading this book, and goodness, this was a journey. I thought I would dislike this book. I was a bit confused as it started, I did not like how the present timeline kept getting yeeted in favor of an older prose. The writing screamed YA, and I thought I had all the YA cliches figured out. Boy was I wrong. Sure, there were some cliches, but it was a tale onto itself. I began to enjoy the stories within the story. Their prose was magical and elegant, but best of all, simple. The lessons learned from the stories, the insight? It was all so deceptively simple. ANd beautiful, and magical. I enjoyed the simple YA style, with it dipping into a bit more complex narrative when needed. I got lost in the story, and I began to care about the characters. So much so I was sobbing towards the end of this book, clutching it with my fingers in hopes everything would be alright.

Asha believes she is a wicked, cruel thing. That is all she has known, and all she thought to be. She held the notions of society to her heart, until she didnt. I liked how it wasnt...instant for her, she had to consider and tussle with some of the new pieces of information she was dealt with. Which is normal. NOthing should be instant, not even love. Lust, maybe, attraction, but for a deeper commitment, for understanding, it takes time. And I am proud of Asha for taking the time to consider what she truly wants in life, what she truly deserves.

Mmm..torwn, tbh I dont have much to say about him. He is couragous and likes music, and is a pillar of strength on his own, but eh..he just didnt do it for me. I liked his dragon better. Honestly, I think the story would have been stronger if Asha fought for herself, and claimed herself, ya knoww, #feminism

I kinda liked Dax more, but unless peeps want incest, he couldnt be asha's love interest. But I was intrigued by him. The supposed heir, the one who was spineless. Ah..I want his pov, cause his interlacing in the novel were intriguing and I would love to learn more about that.

Lastly, I loved and ached for the dragons. Right away, I wanted them to be free, and live happy. Not hunted...same for the skral...I wasnt really happy about this dynamic, was very uncomfortable actually. But the dragons, they deserve to be prized and cherished, nothing else. And hopefully, they will be.

Alright, this is the end of my ramblings. If you want your own, read the book.