A review by roguemultiverse
The Breadwinner: A Graphic Novel by Nora Twomey, Deborah Ellis


Overall I liked the story of this graphic novel. Parvana must pose as a boy, Aatish, to provide for her family and attempt to rescue her father. She states to a friend, “I’m not a boy and I’m not a girl”, which is relatable as a genderqueer person. The friend also used to live as a girl and now lives as a boy, but to me the friend scanned as trans rather than disguised since he seemed to be comfortable with his chosen name and identity. Parvana shows a lot of determination and perseverance and is adaptable when confronted with many challenges.

However, there were times the story seemed rushed and like I was missing info. As this is not originally a graphic novel but is adapted from a movie that is based on a chapter novel, I imagine either of those formats may have had better pacing.

The artwork in this is beautiful and is by Cartoon Saloon which also was involved in The Secret of Kells. But the font and formatting of the text left a lot to be desired to me. The font didn’t fit that well to me but worse was the spacing. There were so many times that there were either too many spaces, or too few (to zero) spaces between words that it was distracting. There were also some typos.

This was a quick read for me, about 40 minutes, which was part of the appeal of picking it, but I probably would have enjoyed the movie more and will probably check it out sometime since I’ve liked the other movies I’ve seen by this studio.