A review by junemoonbaby
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab


she's done it again! victoria schwab has written another impeccable novel to add to my all-time favorites and it reads like a cinematic experience. it's just stunningly executed. even though i was thrown off at the beginning with the introduction of new characters, i quickly realized that they were weaved into the story perfectly. now that i am done with both the books here's my rambling.

marcella - "she's destroying the city" "she's turning people to ashes" "she's taking over the mob" omg god forbid a woman has hobbies smh. I STAND FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS BUT ALSO WOMEN'S WRONGS!! which is why all of us should be allowed to have a limited access marcella's power as a monthly allowance or something. her ability fits soooo perfectly to convey her place as a woman in a male-dominated society, especially in a place like the mob. it reminded me of genya (ruin and rising by leigh bardugo) saying: "Na razrusha’ya. E’ya razrushost. I am not ruined. I am ruination." and honestly her final sequence was pretty cool too. love myself a badass female character!

june - i loved her power too but i wish we were told more about her! what she did with syd was a bit... iffy. well, very iffy. can't look past that.

syd and mitch - my favorite duo??? they're just so perfect and just the thought of them warns my cold heart. both of them are sunshine and cinnamon rolls which is why we must protect them at ALL costs.

lastly, victor and eli... eli and victor — they're just two doomed soulmates. two halves of a whole in the worst way possible, the yin to each other's yang, healing and pain, one playing god and one playing the devil. the angst was just as good as their showdown. it was such an ill fate that the only person who understood them was their mortal enemy. the way they both made horrible choices, tried to justify them, attempted to not care for consequences... adding all that to their character depth - all this truly makes eli and victor two of the best written morally grey characters i have had the pleasure of reading.

i don't even know where to begin with how well structured both the books are. it begins slow as small puzzle pieces set in different times and places, which puts you off guard just to hit you HARD out of nowhere. the narrative shifts keep the momentum going and the interest piqued making the duology a page turner if i know one. many times sequels have disappointed me but if anything, vengeful took every amazing aspect of vicious and just RAN WITH IT. 110% on my fav shelf and recommendations!