A review by comicsandbookdragon
A Cop for Christmas by Jamie Fessenden


Read on behalf of Thorns & Ink, LLC. Book provided by Signal Boost Promotions

THERE has been, are, and will always be, a host of stories about two people who meet, have a prickly start, but through various shenanigans and situations learn something about themselves and change their opinions. Do not read A Cop For Christmas expecting to break new ground in the concept of the romantic novel. But do not let that put you off reading it. What you read may not be the most original tale ever, but it is a story of meeting, longing, and love, dealt with grace and charm.

We meet our protagonists Mason and Steve on a winter’s eve. Mason is speeding in his car on the way to his parent’s new house in remote New Hampshire, and Steve is the local cop who pulls him over. The delicate and subtle romance that blooms is displayed against a background of Rockwell, or as is referenced in the story, Kinkade, paintings.

The family and society around our two lovers are supportive, but not cloying, and they are left to find each other and find out what that means. There is a strong supporting cast who add to the story, bringing in new threads and questions, but never detract from the main thrust. Indeed Fessenden uses both an inconvenient ex boyfriend and an overly open brother to gently explore what it is to find love in difficult circumstances.

The true strength of this story lays in the genuine affection for the characters and the surroundings. It would be difficult to read and not wish to move to rural New Hampshire to find a dog-loving rugged cop of your own. The engaging and sometimes homely descriptions of life in a small town feel real, engage you, and most importantly connect to you, regardless of your background or inclinations.

Despite the picture-perfect elements of the story, at its base are two believable characters that you care about, and if you’re looking for something to warm your heart this Christmas, you could do far worse.