A review by camilacadibe
Tarnished Crown by Erin Watt



This was enjoyable, I guess.

But I was expecting something much better. I'm... underwhelmed. Ugh. That's the second time I say this about something Erin Watt wrote and I hate doing this. I loved the first three Royals books so freaking much and am so excited about East's story... I really hope I won't be as disappointed with that one as I am now.

Gid was okay and Sav was okay, but... It's like they don't actually have real personalities. And the parts we got of their story were so bland I just couldn't understand why they'd love each other at all. Gid was kind of an ass most of the time when they first got together and Sav was a mindless slave to his wishes, trying to impress him 24/7. So I don't get it.

But the writing was good and there were interesting parts and I laughed a little and her friendship with her sister and two... What, sorority future-sisters(?) was great and blah blah blah.

But I'm still sad about the general thing.

First When it's Real and now this. So disappointing. Dammit, I hope Fallen Heir it's better. I will NOT be happy if East's romance is as "meh" as those.