A review by vanessamariebooks
Fathomless by Jackson Pearce


I thought this book was just ok, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. It took me a long time to really get into it. I thought it didn't really start getting interesting until the last 100 pages and it got more intense and more interesting the closer you got to the end. I also didn't love the ending, it was a happy ending so it was ok but I was just expecting more from it. This was supposed to be a modern retelling of The Little Mermaid but I didn't see it like that at all. Other than the main character living in the ocean I didn't see any other similarities between this book and The Little Mermaid. The main character in this book was born human and by a horrific act was turned into an "ocean girl". She technically isn't a mermaid because she still has legs and feet, only difference now is she'll die is she stays on land too long, she needs the ocean to survive. She wants to be able to live on land again and become human again but not because she wants to be with some guy (though there is a guy she sort of ends up loving) but because she wants her old life back. So there are a lot of differences in this story that it just didn't remind me of The Little Mermaid at all. The characters were ok but I didn't get attached to any of them. This book was short but in a way I felt like it was too long because nothing interesting happens until the last 100 pages. Until I got to that point I just keep thinking "when is this book going to end?" I gave this a 3 out 5 stars because it did get better towards the end and got more intense but I wasn't quite satisfied with the ending and it took a long time to get into.