A review by lucysgoodfellow
Even That Wildest Hope by Seyward Goodhand


I gotta say this was a weird book.
Like all short story collections, the quality of each story differed dramatically. Some stories were very well written but ended too abruptly to be memorable for anything other than that sudden ending. And others were so short that there was so little semblance of character to be explored within them that it made me eager to move onto the next one to get it out the way.
One was just so nonsensical I skipped it altogether.
Writing being bizarre is good but a book still must maintain a person's interest so they aren't skipping chapters to get to the end quicker.

My favourite of the short stories centred around the Wax girls and this it was brought that rating up from one star. I would read another book by Goodhand but perhaps not another short story collection.

I was sent this book as an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review