A review by trisha_thomas
A Sudden Light by Garth Stein


"There are an infinite number of universes, all existing side by side, or so the scientists say. All existing concurrently. But we have only this universe in which to live; we can't have all the other universes. Of all the glorious universes we could possibly have, this is the universe we are stuck with."

This is a very in-depth look at a family. It's generations and generations going far back into the settling days and the building of the first huge estate of a railroad and forest tycoon.
But this is also a story told by a 14 year old boy, with little life experiences and still so much to learn. It's a bit of mystery, as he tries to understand where he has come from and all the sins of the fathers, but this isn't written as a mystery - this is a story about a family and what it took to survive.