A review by captwinghead
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 4: Deus Ex Machina by James Tynion IV


Wow! This volume was truly wonderful!

Surprisingly, I really liked the storyline between Ascalon and Azrael. Jean Paul has really grown on me as a character and his relationship with Luke is awesome! I can't believe Luke made him a suit without telling Jean Paul about it! I really love how supporting they are of each other.

I also enjoyed Zatanna in this one! She's a character I haven't read much of but I always love when she shows up. She was even more powerful than I expected and this volume surprised me quite a bit. It was interesting that Batman truly took a backseat for this volume.

Unfortunately Clay Face and Cass are pretty much just here to fight and that's about it. Presumably because Cass' arc took place last volume and they still haven't gone that far into an arc with Clay Face. I'm sure that's coming.

All in all, A+ here. This is the one series I'll keep reading as we go further into this year because Super Sons and Batwoman were cancelled and those were the only DC books I had on my pull list. I've been trade waiting Detective Comics and I wish I'd started when it was just starting out so I didn't have to wait for the next trade.

5 stars.