A review by sunsoar25
Darkest Worlds: A Dystopian Anthology by A.G. Henley, Kate Avery Ellison, Katie French, Zoe Cannon, S.K. Falls, Megan Thomason


*Note: I received a free copy of Darkest Worlds: A Dystopian Anthology in exchange for an honest review.*

Overall, I really liked the short stories included in this anthology, but there were points when some aspects of the stories started to blend together or feel similar. Of the six stories included in this anthology, three of them really stood out to me and made me want to read more by the authors. The three stories that I really enjoyed are "Moon" by S.K. Falls, "The First Unforgivable Thing" by Zoe Cannon, and "The Keeper" by A.G. Henley.

"Moon" really stood out to me because it has a heavy dose of McCarthyism in the author's particular brand of dystopia. I found myself switching "radical" with "communist" pretty much every time it cropped up in the story. It really struck a chord with me because it seems so influenced by an actual time in our history; those elements made it feel much closer to home. I'm very interested in the seeing more of this world.

I think part of the I enjoyed "The First Unforgivable Thing" is because it's so character driven and claustrophobic. It also feels very immediate as if it could be happening now, regardless of the type of regime in power. I also liked that this one also ended on a somewhat hopeful note of defiance.

What I love about "The Keeper" is that it feels so alien and foreign, almost making it feel like a fantasy. I want to get to know more of the world of the Lofties and the Groundlings.

Again, I enjoyed all stories in this anthology but half of them really stood out. If you're going to read this dystopian anthology, be sure you don't skip out on "Moon" by S.K. Falls, "The First Unforgivable Thing" by Zoe Cannon, and "The Keeper" by A.G. Henley!