A review by judithdcollins
Simple Abundance: Living by Your Own Lights by Sarah Ban Breathnach


I saw Sarah Breathnach on Oprah Winfrey (OWN) on Super Soul Sunday and was impressed with her honesty regarding her life and her journey of loss and abundance. She was truly authentic and humble. Was so excited to find her audio at audible.com Simple Abundance. I would highly recommend the audio (she is also the narrator) as her voice is so soothing (her voice in itself is quite calming) and I listen while working on the computer). She leads listeners on a journey of self and spirit, illuminated by six simple principles: Gratitude, Simplicity, Order, Harmony, Beauty, and Joy. She demonstrates the discovery of everyday life can be an expression of their authentic selves, leading them on their own true path to a happier, more fulfilling, and contented way of life.

I have since started keeping a gratitude journal, which is very helpful and insightful. I have ordered her other audio book which goes into more detail about her loss after gaining wealth from her success. It is called Peace and Plenty: Finding Your Path to Financial Serenity.

I am loving OWN Network and Super Soul Sunday as so inspirational!