A review by git_r_read
Easy Go by John Lange


I like Michael Crichton off and on, not everything he's written, but most. This book seems to be from either a need to write something different when he was famous or when he was first starting out. Gave it a try as an inexpensive download to my Nook and very glad I found it.
It's an archeological caper with only one archeologist. Everyone else is a wee bit shady. The search is on for a hidden tomb, missed by history for some reason but discovered by the one archeologist in the story. He is reading old papyri scrolls and finds a hidden note of the possible missing tomb. He meets and confides in a writer friend, they concoct a scheme to organize a team to find the tomb and treasure and get it all out of Egypt without the government finding out.
It's adventure, humor, and fast-moving...and lots and lots of cigarettes and heat. I enjoyed it and I hope to find it in paperback so my dad can read it.
Definite recommend.