A review by freddikb
Treasure Island by Robert L. Stevenson


3.75 Stars.

I’ll be honest, I went into this book with pre-judgments that I would not like it. I have seen movie versions of the story- both the classic Disney version as well as “Muppet Treasure Island” and neither appealed to me. However, I actually, surprising myself, really enjoyed this story. So, shame on me for passing pre-judgment! I was not sure how much liberty the movies had taken (except muppets- there are no muppets in the book. Sorry if that disappoints you.) and I kept wondering who was going to stay on the good side and who was going to turn on Jim Hawkins. I was so invested in the characters and their own stories that I actually forgot we were searching for gold at one point! A definite winner, and so glad I gave it a try.

*What I have expressed are entirely my own thoughts. I was not compensated in any monetary way.*