A review by larareadstrash
The Alpha Claims A Mate by Georgette St. Clair


i dont ever write reviews like this.. But this book aggravated me more and more with every sentence i read. so i have some shit to say.
This was so fucking dumb. I mean the expectations were low but fuck me. Fucking werewolves and „love psychics“ aside, all the adults are acting like teenagers, the fucking dialogue and the writing?? I usually dont give a shit about the way a book is written but when this adult woman said „no-no zone“, i snorted so loud my cat yeeted himself off my bed. The FMC is the epitome of a pick me girl. we get it. you look different. you are different. you are oh so dorky. stfu and stop putting down other women because of it. And that’s just one of many reasons why i cant stand Ginger. All the other characters were bland and annoying and i remember none of their names not only because i didnt give a shit, but also bc all their names were stupid, I’m sorry. And there were so many of those.
Also, this supposed „strutting manwhore“ is oh so confident that him getting rejected by one girl, threatens to cause a war between packs? And i thought my ego was fragile, ay. I’ve read wattpad stories with a better set up tbh.
On top of that, there was no chemistry or tension between the two MCs. I mean let’s pretend that he had enough of a personality for me to at least remember his name, but i didnt and my man can’t flirt for shit. And the constant sexual innuendos that came out of fucking nowhere… 12 year old boys have more sense for time and space than this guy. if his delivery would’ve been good at least but nope.. he’s just a smirking robot of muscle. And he’s a fucking hypocrite. The only positive thing i got from him is that he’s hot. So hot in fact that it needs to be mentioned in every third or fourth sentence (right alongside her fucking hardening nipples). so that’s that. And while we’re at it, i never want to imagine anyone „oozing“ sexuality ever again. Fuck i don’t want to imagine anyone oozing anything.
The only good thing about this book was, that it was available for free on audible and it helped me fall asleep on a stormy night.
Also side note: the fact that „honky tonk“ isnt a name for a sex club is fucking mind boggling to me.