A review by kelmallo
Whatever Happened to Interracial Love?: Stories by Kathleen Collins


“He does not seem to understand that this young colored woman he has spawned does not, herself, believe in color: that to her the young freedom rider of her dreams is colorless (as indeed he is), that their feelings begin where color ends (as indeed they must), that if only he could understand that race as an issue, race as a social factor, race as a political or economic stumbling block—race is part of the past. Can’t he see that love is color-free?”

“Man, absurd feelings for a life that had juice rang in her voice, my fingers kept slipping from the wheel, everything was serious, nothing was serious, everything was possible, life made complete sense because it made no sense but that was all right, it was enough, the tone of her voice was enough.”

“And I choked on his death, on his cool, aloof self, refusing to live with a broken spirit...”