A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Into the Woods by Hudson Talbott


Sondheim and I have a complicated relationship. There are songs and musicals I love. There are at least as many songs and musicals I hate. Into the Woods is one of the musicals I love, containing quite a lot of songs I would love to sing myself one day. So, when one of the prompts in a reading challenge asked me to read a book published in my birth year and I saw the script of into the woods was among those I knew what to read.

Finding that script however? Nightmare. There are loads of high school versions, only including parts of the first act. But finding a full version felt impossible and then I stumbled upon this book. I wasn't aware that it was an adaptation of the script, but I was also a little tired of looking and finding nothing, so I decided to just grab this one, read it and mark the prompt as read. Maybe it's a little cheating, but all is fair in reading challenges, right?

I quite liked how readable this version of the script was and yet it still contained loads of original lines. There were parts of songs included. There were parts of the dialogue included and all of these were connected by little bits of proza describing the scene and emotions of the characters. To make the book even more beautiful a lot of atmospheric drawings were added. In a way this book now truly reads like a fairytale.

There were also pieces of the original text that I really missed. Most of all it were the songs I know things now, On the Steps of the Palance and Giants in the sky. I understand that maybe those songs don't add much to the story, but Agony doesn't either and both the first act and second act version were in there. However, if you're not as looking forward to these songs as I am you might really prefer reading this version instead of the script.