A review by katyanaish
Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout



I really enjoyed the series, and I think this finale tied a great bow on it.

I particularly enjoyed that we got to see Katy bust some faces. Because here's the thing - Blake (*spit* ... rest in pieces, asshat) told us, way back in book 2, that hybrids are stronger than the Luxen that created them, and that means Katy is pretty crazy strong (potentially).

But that really felt like a toss-off. Because we never saw her DO anything. Part of that is Daemon's overprotective nature, but seriously. You can't tell me that this strong, intelligent character (and seriously, kudos on that - it is great to see such a capable female hero) has super uber powers, and then never have her bust them out. But that's what happened. She was largely a bystander when they escaped Daedalus - she shot someone with a gun, very not-impressive. She was largely a bystander as they fled Vegas. This book had me worried, because
Spoilershe was a bystander in the market when it was attacked. Yes, she helped a little, but where are the superpowers?? And then she was SUPER docile while being held by the Luxen. This after doing her best to rip the faces off Daedalus when they were holding her... and that was BEFORE she'd had their combat training!

Thankfully, Katy did step into the fray here. Yes, she still was sidelined in some of the fighting, but she stepped in at a couple critical points, and that felt really gratifying to me.

My only criticism - that is why the half star was dropped - is because things got REALLY rushed in the last third of the book. We hammered through plot points at a breakneck pace, trying to wrap everything up. Don't get me wrong, the author DID wrap everything up, and she did a great job not leaving any dangling threads that hurt too much (except maybe Carissa... it was sad to see that character tossed off in such a horrible way, and then never find out what happened to her). But the pacing didn't leave enough room for me to really feel it. Finding out
SpoilerKaty's mom was dead shocked me, but then before I could roll into grieving about it... we were on to the next thing.

There were also a couple things that didn't... I don't know, didn't sit right with me? Maybe baffled me a bit.
SpoilerKaty's run up the mountain in the middle of the big battle ... I don't know why she did that. It seemed the impulse was just "I gotta get away from this" which I understand. She should totally be overwhelmed, that's fair.
But then she shook it right off, and then was back to being regular ol' Katy. I think the author was trying to go for an emotional beat here, but in the chaos of the last few pages... I just didn't register it. There wasn't room for it there, or time for it, or headspace for it. I was too stuck in "wtf is she doing? Is someone going to jump out and kill her?"

And yes, there are unanswered questions that are a little disappointing. I'm hoping that the author revisits this world to explore them with other characters. Because it is a great world, and I'd love to come back.