A review by natalie_is_reading
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


My Argentine literature professor is constantly referencing (American) books movies and songs that he knows better than the American students in the class which has motivated me to read several things to know like my own country’s literature better, including “the great American novel” which I somehow have never had to read before in school. On a whim I decided to listen to this book, despite the fact I literally never do that, but this has been the first audiobook I have ever completed. And I was surprised to find that Huck Finn is entertaining, especially in audio book form, though narration by a white man is somewhat uncomfortable. A thought provoking book, even as I just listened passively. I do have to say the ending was exhausting though I am not a Tom Sawyer fan. But yeah now I can say I’ve read Huck Finn