A review by bookbelle5_17
Doctor Thorne by Anthony Trollope

Frank Gresham must marry for money as the heir and the only one who help make up for his father's debts. Unfortunately, for the family, Frank is love with Mary Thorne, the town doctor's niece.
Like the other books in this series this one has a lot of drama, but it has less politics. Again, Trollop speaks to his readers, hinting things that he and the reader knows, but the characters don't know. This jumps around in time referring things that had happened that a character in previous chapter wouldn't know about or he brings up a subplot that will be relevant later. This is a bit disorienting until you get use to it. The characters are as complex and as human as ever creating feelings of frustration, anger, and adoration. The characters have their faults and their attributes. Frank matures the most throughout the novel. In the beginning, he is impulsive and temperamental, but his love for Mary never changes. Mary is sweet and would do anything for those she loves, but often second guesses herself. She struggles with making her own decisions and often asks those like her uncle and Frank to make them for her. Though, she's not afraid to stand up for herself. Dr. Thorne is loving and loyal, but can be indecisive and has a temper if pushed too far. The two antagonists I would say are Sir. Louis Scratchard and Lady Arabella. Lady Arabella has good intentions and her actions can be selfish, but come from a place of love. Louis is arrogant, selfish, and a drunkard making it hard to feel he can be redeemed. I did pity him briefly, but that went out the window quickly. Like The Warden and Barchester Towers this is an enjoyable read for me.