A review by marik0n
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur


When this book was first published, there were pictures with its poems everywhere. EVERYWHERE. So, no surprise, a year passed until I read it.

This collection of poems is so deeply honest and casual. They are poems that we can all identify with to a very significant degree. The way Rupi Kaur writes reflects thoughts, feelings and situations that we have experienced ,more or less, on paper. This is precisely why I believe that her book has gained such popularity among readers: you find identification for things that you think no one can even begin to understand, given in a poetic way, but fully understandable.

The collection is divided into four parts. The first is called "the hurting" and raises issues such as emotional and physical abuse, but also others, more specialized ones that we rarely see in poems, such as rape and the so-called "daddy issues", with blunt honesty.

The second part is called " the loving" and deals with that love you experience somewhere between 16 and 25. You know what I'm talking about. That absolute kind of love, the one that no one else has ever experienced, the one that you will remember when you are  old and you will talk about to your grandchildren, apparently without this person next to you. This is the love we all and at the same time no one experience .

The third part, entitled "the breaking", as it is evident, talks about the inevitable fall, the separation, the break up. Here comes the mourning of loss, the existential crisis that burdens you abruptly and inexorably, and the sheer fear of having a life you will feel so uneasy about. 

The last part is " the healing", where you start to get a little bit coy and gather wisdom nuggets, which you'll probably forget somewhere along the way to your next love. And it's perfectly normal. That's what you do during this period of your life.