A review by susanthebookbag
Things You Won't Say by Sarah Pekkanen


This was my first Sarah Pekkanen book and it won't be my last! I love the way she writes and how she takes a very timely issue and shows us the personal side of it.

Does this sound familiar to you?

'"How many times does young man of color need to be murdered by police before we as a country demand that it stop? Police are there to protect all of our citizens, especially the vulnerable. Especially the young. Tonight a family is grieving for no reason other than the actions of a trigger-happy police officer who decided to be the judge, jury, and executioner when he saw a brown face,'"

We get to see all sides of this controversial topic, from the victim's loved ones and what they are going through to the officer's family and how this tragedy is affecting them. This is a story that shows us what everyone goes through when something horrible like this happens. It is not easy on anyone.

'She wanted her life back so desperately. She wanted her biggest worry to be about the electricity bill, or the fact that she couldn't button her favorite jeans, or the state of the kitchen floor. She wanted to be annoyed with Mike because he'd gone out with the guys after work and had lost forty bucks in a poker game.'

I was totally engrossed in this story and got caught up in the emotions and drama of the families. Sarah writes wonderfully and I am excited to read more of her books.

'... normal life wasn't normal any longer. Maybe it never would be again.'