A review by icedviennalatte
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood


4.5 stars?? I REALLY loved this. It gave me almost everything I have been wanting in a book. Grad school setting, science, main character who is actually around my age, fake dating, intelligent characters, etc. I loved both Adam and Olive so much. Although I found Olive to be rather immature at times for a PhD student, I related to her in a lot of other way. I loved Adam's grumpiness and secret tenderness for Olive. This book was filled with humor and smarts and there was never a dull moment. The chemistry and banter between Olive and Adam was so much fun and filled my heart with warm and fuzzy feelings. As I was reading up to 95% of the book I kept thinking "I am definitely going to give this 5 stars". The reason why I can't give this book a full 5 stars is because of the ending. There was such a strong and steady buildup, and the ending just left me feeling...dissatisfied? I think it needed more romance in the end. There was a build up of romance as the awkwardness between Olive and Adam melted away throughout their relationship. Olive does tell Adam that he loves her (in Dutch) at the very end of the book, but the whole ending scene didn't feel as romantic as it should have. I felt as though everything was wrapped up in a short span of pages and it wasn't rich enough for me. I still can consider this book to be a new favorite of mine, though. I could see myself reading this again for sure. I am looking forward to reading Ali Hazelwood's future stories!