A review by 55_sallymander
The Heart and Other Monsters: A Memoir by Rose Andersen


The Heart and Other Monsters by Rose Andersen
reviewed by: mrsboone4
Green Forest, Arkansas, USA

I was interested in reading about how the opioid crisis has affected one family. It is a raw, emotional book, covering the addictions of the author's entire family. The author was able to overcome her addiction, her sister was not.

There is an additional element of true crime that surrounds the death of Ms. Andersen's sister Sarah. The possibility that her death could have in truth, been a murder sounds plausible. Unfortunately, when you are around deep, dark criminal elements, life rarely works out in a positive light.

One thing I noticed throughout the book, there was no mention of God in anyone's lives. That coupled with a high abortion rate, the quantity and quality of hard drugs available on the street, there is no doubt that the USA has some terrible problems that are not going to get any better, they way they are headed.

Sarah had family and friends who loved her and cared about her, but in the end, that didn't matter. A tragedy, all the way around. I feel badly, for this family who lost a family member, a daughter, a sister, a child.

I received a complimentary copy from Bloomsbury Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.