A review by christajls
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan

I hate doing this, but I'm marking this one DNF

I gave it a fair shot. I was listening to the audio and was about 4 hours in. That's just over a third.

Here's my reasons:

1) Ridiculously slow pacing. I'm a third in. Something should have happened by now, even if its just the idea of what's too come.
2) The Women - The women in this book are ridiculous. They have no substance, no value. They are completely defined by their performance in bed. He says he loved his wife but other than how good she was in bed, I have yet to hear what it is he loved about her.
3) Sex for the sake of sex. - I don't care if there is sex in novels. People have sex. It's normal. However, Sex for the sake of sex, when it isn't actually necessary, or is drawn out, is no better than violence for the sake of violence. It's a cheap tactic to get people to be shocked by your book. It's like watching a slasher film. Yeah sure it's fun sometimes, but no one will take it seriously. For something that is described as "literary" is reads an awful lot like erotica.
4) Jake - Jake annoys the hell out of me. I can't put my finger on it exactly but I just can't connect with him. Characters (to me) are the most important aspect of the book so I find this lack of connection disappointing.

Finally I will say this, double points to Glenn Duncan for the amount of different ways he's come up with to say testicles - balls, plums, gonads, I heard them all in my 4 hours on the Last Werewolf. *rolls eyes*

Maybe I'll try this again one day in print, but at the moment it seems highly unlikely.