A review by layla87
Chasing Hope by Gwen Martin


One word to describe this book... Dreamy

Title: Chasing Hope by Gwen Martin

I loved this book from start to finish.

1. The Characters:
Sean was beautiful in his pain, in his vulnerability and in his hidden strength. #IWillRise

Jonah was low-key powerful. he blew life into Sean with just being himself, caring for him and just being there. #HereForYou

2. The Plot..
It is a journey of healing, for both of the men. together and apart they find a way to clear their obstacle and be healthy enough to be together. #MakeMeWhole

3. The Romance...
It happens organically, over months of friendship, attraction and eventually love. it was soft, dreamy and natural. #Flawless

4. Steam-o-meter: Lowish Steam

5. Angst-o-meter: Angsty. Mind the trigger warning.

6. HEA...
It was the perfect ending to their journey. it shows how far they have both come to find their happy ending. #Forever