A review by letsgolesbians
Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler


-One of the main characters was a person of color.
-Another character was bisexual.
-Any biphobia was immediately chastised.
-There wasn't a lot about Los Angeles, which I appreciated because usually people try to write about LA and they get everything incorrect.

-The other main character is a total douchebag. Realistic, sure, but I didn't like him, nor did I care to read about his exploits.
-The POC main character felt very shallow.
-I'm sick of the trope of someone cheating on their SO but it's okay because the SO is mean/rude/also cheating/gay/etc.

I don't remember the first Daylight Falls. I know I got annoyed a lot. And I got annoyed with this one. The narration switches between Vanessa and Josh, and Josh's story just felt so...irrelevant. I think he was put in as a main character to balance things out, but I just didn't care. I cared about Vanessa and her struggle and her journey (though at the same time, she felt very shallow to me. She kept talking about the importance of being a minority on television, but that was it. Everything else she said was very shallow), and while I appreciated how realistic Josh was, I didn't like him, nor did I care about his story. I know that I didn't love Ally's narration in the first book, but I would rather have had this book go back and forth between Ally being in college and Vanessa being in LA, and both of them trying to navigate changes in their friendship based on location and being separated and how Van was dealing with her sexuality. I had to speed read a lot of this book because I just didn't care. I liked all the stuff between the two girls, but I don't think I'm cut out for romance books, because while I'm happy when girls get together, I also need just a little bit more to the rest of the story.