A review by amanda_shortman
Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds


I picked this up based on a review by a bookstagrammer and was not disappointed! it is a really lovely story, that pulls you in from the start.

As someone who always found the idea of romance and dating and relationships rather baffling, I thoroughly enjoyed Shira's struggle to figure it all out.

And Tyler was the perfect counterpoint - seemingly confident in everything, but with his own insecurities.

The dynamic between the two of them was fun, and you knew they were going to end up together, if only they would actually communicate how they were feeling about each other!

Setting it within an extended family, and with the celebration of both Hanukkah in Shira's family and Christmas with Tyler's family just rounded it all out beautifully.

Very much recommended as a cosy read during the Winter months. And the narration on the audiobook is perfect.