A review by xterminal
Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Applications by Bill Pierce, John Hardin, Graham Phillips, Bob Smith


Bob Smith et al., Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances (No Starch, 2007)

Linux Appliance Design is not, for the most part, a bad little book, but it is structurally unsound in one major way. I realize this is a quirk of mine more than anything, and most people who want to read about this sort of thing probably won't mind it, but it bugs me in a major way whenever I encounter it: instead of getting into the nuts and bolts of some parts of the software, the authors chose to go with a ready-made API, and so much of the book's software instruction involves programming that API rather than building something from scratch. If that doesn't bother you, then go right ahead and grab a copy of this. If you'd rather not use someone else's software, on the other hand, the hardware parts of this will be useful, but for the software parts, you'll have to look somewhere else. Not nearly as good-- or comprehensive-- as it could have been. ***