A review by chelseas_reads
Disney Cruella: The Manga: Black, White and Red by Hachi Ishie


while i haven’t seen the movie yet, but i found the manga to be a very interesting read, providing a fresh look into cruella as an indidual. it delved into the history of estella, which i didn’t know previously. (i’m unsure the movie goes over the details). being a movie adaptation, i really look forward to watching the new movie (yes, i’m surprised i haven’t seen it either!!)

the plot wasn’t particularly interesting, and i assume it’s of no fault to the author (being a film adaptation). the characters weren’t particularly likeable either. however, i found learning about the history of a disney villain to be very fun. i love villain origin stories, and will definitely enjoy reading more along similar lines.

while it wasn’t the best book i’ve read, it was still interesting and i devoured it in one sitting! i loved the artwork, and think the author did a fantastic job on what they had to work with.