A review by nolansmock
I Never Liked You: A Comic-Strip Narrrative by Chester Brown


I knew from the description this would hit home; an emotionally neglected adolescent boy with no real relationship role models has absolutely no clue how to navigate interacting with girls and subsequently lets every relationship slip by. I sat on so many couches watching movies in suburban homes and had no clue what I was supposed to do after that. It was a blessing, looking back. Most of the people where I came from wanted things out of life that I don't. Jesus. Kids. No regrets but boy it was awkward. I was mostly focused on making art anyway. I basically had to be coerced into my first real relationship after college. We eventually divorced. Like most of the other women I spent time any time with after high school, she was gay.

Anyway. We've all come a long way since then.

This is that kind of sometimes painfully honest slice of life, for better or worse. My first go with Chester Brown and I enjoyed how sparse and episodic a lot of the storytelling and artwork was. I also didn't expect to also see a habit of eating plain saltines depicted. I had some in bed last night. My fav reading snack.

Do I treat these reviews like a diary sometimes? If I don't, maybe I should. I blame Letterboxd; they call your entries your "diary". Reviews are kind of stupid too, in a way. Oh, you didn't like that a book was slow? Or fast? Or too detailed? Not detailed enough? And you're going to complain about it? Wow. Get a life! Just joking. Kind of. (Talking to myself as well)