A review by kindleandcrochet
Thief by C.L. Stone


What the ever loving f**k?!

Seriously whats with this chick? All of the guys? really can she not make her mind up or is she just that fickle and reckless and heartless?

I mean i get the guys but must she do everything with each of them... i mean yeh you appreciate a good looking guy but you don't just go round kissing them all for no good reason other than they are there!!!

And i get sleeping in a bed would be bettet than a 'couch' so ok but really a different guy everyday?! And whats with the whole she likes them all but has no intention of telling any of them that shes making out with all the others?! With no thought to how this will fuck with their lives let alone her own and shes so fucked uo she cant even figure out how she feels about anything anyway.... Seriously....?

I was actually really looking forward to this book the blurb was really fascinating and the guys characters were so diverse and interesting i mean Raven is f*cking fantastic and Corey is so cute its unbelievable... It was fascinating to read their interactions and then introduce Kayli and it was even better, the way she started out with Raven was awesome exactly like me a some guy friends...

But the whole im going to fall in love with every good looking guy in the book, oh wait they're all so hood looking all tan and trim and you're first meeting of Axel... really...was that necessary?! There was no need for it... and theres no real explaination of what the Academy is whoch is so frustrating and why is she all trusting of these guys that basically kidbapped her?! i know she addresses some of these but theres never an actual answrr or even an illusion of an answer.

this could have been so much better with out the whole lets make out with everyone she sees... its exhausting trying to keep up, also the blurb says something about mature content... where?! i think i remember the word sex once and that was when she wasn't having sex with a guy... and tbh there really wasn't all the much violence either i mean yeh people got shot and there was a small explosion but really violence?! Jeez...