A review by krisrid
Abounding Might by Melissa McShane


I LOVE Melissa McShane's writing!! I have read books from two of her three series so far and just loved all of them! She not only has a fabulously creative mind when it comes to creating slightly alternate magical worlds to set her characters in, but she also writes super-likable, strong characters - especially the female ones! - that a reader can connect with, root for and fall in love with!

This is the second book I've read in McShane's Extraordinaries series [though not the second in the series] and I really enjoyed this, although not *quite* as much as Ioved Burning Bright (the first book in the series).

I absolutely adored Elinor - the protagonist in the first book - and everything about her story.

While I really liked Daphne, she was a bit of a ninny at certain points, and allowed people to make her feel inferior despite her Extraordinary talent, and I wanted her to get past that. This is a very minor quibble, however, and did not detract from my overall enjoyment of this story.

I love, love, love the alternate England that McShane has created for this series, and the other Extraordinary talents, and the characters who have them make for an absolutely delightful way to spend hours visiting that world and going along on the adventures McShane gives her characters.

All the characters in these books feel so real, and most are so likable it's hard to NOT fall in love with all of them.

The added bonus is the historical aspects that each book has, which is well done and makes history into highly entertaining side stories, even if the author does take some liberties with actual historical dates, times, etc. to fit her fictional plot.

I love this series, and if you like magical alternate history stories with strong female characters, you might like them too. Highly recommended.