A review by booksandbosox
The Bridge to Never Land by Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson


Sarah and Aidan Cooper have read all the Starcatcher books and loved them. But when they discover some hidden papers in their dad's antique desk that leads them to something that might possibly be starstuff, they begin to wonder if maybe those were more than just books...

The unexpected new entry in the Peter and the Starcatchers series, I snatched it up almost as soon as I spotted it on the "new" shelves at the library. There isn't much to say about this one that I haven't already said about the others in the series - it's a lightning fast-paced, action-packed, funny and thoroughly enjoyable read. This is sort of the "meta" entry in the series as the characters in this one know about the previous characters because of the earlier books in the series which they then become a part of. Additionally, there is some pretty high-falutin science stuff going on here that was pretty much beyond my understanding; luckily, you don't need to understand it to just go with it. And, this one shows its true Disney colors as a large portion of the novel takes place in Disneyworld itself; thankfully it's not too distracting from the novel's action. I liked the new characters introduced here (although I found Armstrong totally unnecessary and uninteresting) and I enjoyed meeting up with the old favorites as well. Another great title in the series.