A review by earlgreybooks
Axiomatic by Maria Tumarkin


This is my first official read of a Stella Prize longest book since it was announced.

Axiomatic was one of the books on the list that I was more excited about. Essay collections are much more up my alley than literary fiction. I had high hopes for this one. And boy, I was not disappointed.

These essays aren’t like anything I’ve ever read before. Tumarkin’s writing can be pretty disjointed—she’ll be talking about one thing and then suddenly in the next sentence she’s telling you a seemingly unrelated anecdote. That was really the only thing that kept this from being a 5-star book for me. So while disjointed, her writing is definitely compelling.

This collection tackles a lot of really intense topics. I’d chosen to start with this one because I thought it would be a quick one to get trough. It was a struggle at times. There were parts that were so gut-wrenching that I had to stop reading. The essays were never bad, but some of the topics discussed could be very triggering. When reading this one just make sure to look after yourself!

All in all, I’m really happy to have started my Stella Prize reading with this one.