A review by bookingbonkers
How To Write a Simple Book Review: It's easier than you think by Allyson R. Abbott


I enjoyed reading this book and found it very interesting. It was enlightening to learn a bit more about how authors get published both with a publisher and independently and how important a review can be to them. It was good to learn what elements of a review are important to an author and be reminded that a review can provide the author with some critical help and suggestions as well as help a potential buyer to find out if it is the correct purchase for them.

For an educational book, I found it to be a light and easy read but still learnt a good amount from it. The author has made this book a very easy learning experience and brought to light a lot I did not know or understand before I began it.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone interesting in writing reviews or the process of promoting books and the growth of ebooks. It is a very interesting read that I think I will use again as reference and retraining manual.